O.J.A.I. Tunnel Broadcast

The O.J.A.I. broadcast „White Paper on the Abolition of Tunnels“ will be transmitted on Common Waves, a transnational radio platform at Architecture Biennal Tiblisi on Oct 26 19.00 – 20.00.

The Office for Joint Administrative Intelligence presents a comprehensive unpacking of their long term para-research focused on pedestrian tunnels in Wuppertal, Berlin, Dallas, Cologne, Chisinau and Antwerp. Expect music, field recordings, rituals, recipes, monologues and even pornography dedicated to O.J.A.I.’s cohort of Subterranean Boyfriends. The aim is to highlight the performative value of often neglected underground tunnel infrastructure by addressing it hyperbolically through a lense of control, desire, megalomania and pleasure!

Relisten/Nachhören: https://listen.dublindigitalradio.com/resident/no-tourists